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Termites do more damage to houses than fires, floods, and tornadoes. That’s right, termites, untreated, can cause huge problems. If you suspect you have a termite problem, don’t wait.

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If left untreated, carpenter ants can do a significant amount of damage to a home. Carpenter ants prefer to feed on soft wood or rotting timbers but they are known to move into sound wood. When they do, they can weaken support beams and cause a structure to warp, which is the same as termite damage.

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An invasion of a type of bug that hides in beds, biting humans to feed on their blood.
Bedbugs are reddish brown and roughly the size of an apple seed. They infest homes, hotels, and hospitals.

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The best way reduce the number of mosquitoes in your yard is to eliminate areas where they can lay eggs. Even the smallest amount of standing water can serve as a breeding ground. Clean and change the water in birdbaths regularly. Use larvicides to treat containers of non-drinking water.

This along with a mosquito control treatment will dramatically reduce the mosquito population.

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According to the World Health Organization, cockroaches are known or suspected carriers of the microorganisms that can cause diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, leprosy, plague, typhoid fever and viral diseases, such as poliomyelitis.

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Mice and other rodents have commonly been associated with carrying a range of different diseases. The most direct ways that diseases like hantavirus, salmonella and rat-bite fever are spread throughout homes is through the mouse’s droppings, saliva, urine or by close contact. These diseases can also be spread using insects — like ticks, fleas or mites — that feed on the mouse and later travel and come into contact with others.

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Chewing: Since their front teeth grow all their lives rats, chew on things to keep them worn down. This can be dangerous when they gnaw on electrical wiring. Public Health: Rats can carry many diseases that are harmful to people.

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Carpenter bees get their common name from their habit of boring into wood. Carpenter bees do not eat wood but cause damage to structures by drilling circular holes to create tunnels inside wood. Unlike other common bees, such as honeybees and bumble bees that live in colonies, carpenter bees are not social insects and build individual nests into trees outdoors or into the frames, eaves or sides of buildings.

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Yellowjackets, wasps, and hornets may look alike and have similar characteristics, but they can be very different in their level of aggressiveness and their habits. It is important to properly identify the type of stinger in your home or garden before attempting any type of control.

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Size: Fleas are small, wingless and about 2.5 mm long.

Color: Their bodies are shiny and reddish brown in color, covered with microscopic hair and are compressed to allow for easy movement through animal fur.

No wings: Fleas do not have wings, although they are capable of jumping long distances.

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All animals are removed in a humane way. They are not harmed. We have a variety of havahart traps to guarantee the removal of the animals without causing them any harm.


Raccoon damage can cost you thousands of dollars in inflated heating and cooling bills. Beyond insulation, raccoons frequently damage ventilation and electrical systems that run through attics. Without repair, these damages can lead to fire, water damage and even mold.


Like any other rodents, their front teeth are constantly growing and they are looking for objects to grind them down. This means bad news for your wiring, siding, and wood. Squirrels chewing on your wires could even cause a fire in your attic. The longer that squirrels live in your attic the more holes they will chew.

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106 Newark Pompton TPK
Little Falls, NJ 07424


 973-246-9942 (Fax)


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